Being Your Best “YOU”
|We are designed for relationships and healthy relationships require healthy people. Unfortunately, many adults struggle in relationships due to abuses that happened in their childhood.
Becoming healthy from the pain of abuse takes time and determination. This process is a journey where one step at a time moves one from victim (being harmed by another person’s actions), to survivor (no longer being harmed), to thriver (when their past no longer affects their present) to overcomer (on the pathway of achieving their purpose) and destiny!
Are you carrying baggage from past trauma? Ask yourself:
- Am I drawn to toxic and unhealthy relationships
- Do I find myself needing to keep busy all the time
- Do I struggle to achieve perfection in everything I do
- Am I critical of myself and constantly entertain negative thoughts
- Am I afraid to say “no” because I worry about what people will think of me
We offer courses that provide tools to help become your best self.
- We help adult survivors rediscover who they are –
because what happened to them does not define who they are.
- We help survivors to release shame and guilt –
because what happened to them was not their fault.
- We help survivors regain their focus –
because what happened in the past doesn’t have to ruin the dreams of the future.
Setting Boundaries for a Healthier You: establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries
Mama, Can You Hear Me? dealing with our “Mommy issues”
Loving the Skin I’m In: appreciating our own self-worth
The Power of Forgiveness: releasing our pain through forgiveness
Imposter Syndrome: feeling that we don’t belong
Trauma and the Brain: types of traumas and impact on our brain processes
Maintaining a Mentally Healthy You: caring for our mental wellbeing- self care
“When you keep choosing to trust God, it opens the door to joy. Joy might be best understood as tranquility of the soul.” Ed & Lisa Young
If you are interested in attending any of our workshops, please contact us at